Sterilization implant (essure) Essure is the first non-surgical method of sterilizing women. A thin tube is used to thread a tiny spring-like device through the vagina and uterus into each fallopian tube. The device works by causing scar tissue to form around the...
Implantable rod This is a matchstick-size, flexible rod that is put under the skin of the upper arm. It is often called by its brand name, Implanon. The rod releases a progestin, which causes changes in the lining of the uterus and the cervical mucus to keep the sperm...
Oral contraceptives — combined pill (\”The pill\”) The pill contains the hormones estrogen and progestin. It is taken daily to keep the ovaries from releasing an egg. The pill also causes changes in the lining of the uterus and the cervical mucus to keep...
Contraceptive sponge This barrier method is a soft, disk-shaped device with a loop for taking it out. It is made out of polyurethane (pah-lee-YUR-uh-thayn) foam and contains the spermicide (SPUR-muh-syd) nonoxynol-9. Spermicide kills sperm. Before having sex, you wet...
Continuous abstinence This means not having sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) at any time. It is the only sure way to prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. Natural family planning/rhythm method Barrier methods Put up a...
The National Institute of Mental Health supports research studies on mental health problems. Clinical trials are scientific studies to find better ways to prevent, detect, or treat illnesses. Learn more about clinical trials. You can learn more about how to...