Learn your baby\’s hunger signs. Signs your baby may be hungry include: Becoming more alert and active Putting hands or fists to the mouth Making sucking motions with the mouth Turning the head to look for the breast Crying can be a late sign of hunger,...
Some moms find that the following positions are helpful ways to get comfortable and support their babies while breastfeeding. You also can use pillows under your arms, elbows, neck, or back to give you added comfort and support. Keep trying different positions until...
There is no set time for feedings. They may be 15 to 20 minutes per breast. Or, they may be shorter or longer. Your baby will let you know when he or she is finished feeding. If you worry that your baby is not getting enough milk, talk to your baby\’s...
You should breastfeed as soon as possible after giving birth. Then, breastfeed your baby at least eight to 12 times every 24 hours so that you will make plenty of milk. This means that in the first few days after birth, your baby will likely need to breastfeed about...
Below are some common latch problems and how to deal with them. Are you in pain? Many moms say their breasts feel tender when they first start breastfeeding. A mother and her baby need time to find comfortable breastfeeding positions and a good latch. If breastfeeding...
Signs of a good latch include the following: The latch feels comfortable to you and does not hurt or pinch. Your baby\’s chest rests against your body. Your baby does not have to turn his or her head while drinking. You see little or no areola (the darker skin...