If you follow a vegan diet or one that does not include any forms of animal protein, you or your baby might not get enough vitamin B12 in your bodies. In a baby, B12 deficiency can cause symptoms such as: Loss of appetite Slow motor development Being very tired Weak...
Research shows that what you eat affects your milk only slightly. Babies love the flavors of foods that come through the milk. Sometimes a baby may be sensitive to something the mother eats, such as dairy products like eggs or milk and cheese. Watch your baby for the...
If you smoke, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to quit as soon as possible. If you can\’t quit, it is still better to breastfeed because it may protect your baby from respiratory problems and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Be sure to...
To eat healthy while breastfeeding, keep these important nutrition tips in mind: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. A common suggestion is to drink a glass of water or other beverage every time you breastfeed. Limit drinks with added sugars, such as sodas and...
Many new mothers wonder if they should be on a special diet while breastfeeding, but the answer is no. For most breastfeeding moms, there are no foods you have to avoid. But you may find that some foods cause stomach upset in your baby. You can try avoiding those...
Pumping your breastmilk If you are unable to breastfeed your baby directly, it is important to remove milk during the times your baby normally would feed. This will help you to continue making milk. Before you express breastmilk, be sure to wash your hands with soap...