Formula can be harder for your baby to digest. For most babies, especially premature babies, breastmilk substitutes like formula are harder to digest than breastmilk. Formula is made from cow\’s milk, and it often takes time for babies\’ stomachs to adjust...
If you can\’t breastfeed and still want to give your baby human milk, you may want to consider a human milk bank. A human milk bank can dispense donor human milk to you if you have a prescription from your doctor. Many steps are taken to ensure the milk is safe....
Maybe. Many mothers who adopt can breastfeed their babies successfully with some help. You may need to supplement your breastmilk with donated breastmilk from a milk bank or with infant formula. But some adoptive mothers can breastfeed exclusively, especially if they...
Yes, but the amount of milk your breasts will make will depend on how your surgery was done, where your incisions were, and the reasons for your surgery. Women who had incisions in the fold under the breast are less likely to have problems making milk than women who...
Breastfeeding during your next pregnancy is not usually dangerous to you, your breastfeeding child, or your new developing baby. Your child may decide to wean on his or her own because of changes in the amount and flavor of your milk. Your doctor also may advise you...