- Breastfeeding: How to Pump and Store Your Breastmilk (Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians) – This Web page discusses when you should start pumping, how often and for how long you should pump, and how much milk you should expect to get. It also includes guidelines for storing breastmilk.
- Breastfeeding — Proper Handling and Storage of Human Milk – This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fact sheet shows how, by following safe preparation and storage techniques, nursing mothers and caretakers of breastfed infants and children can maintain the high quality of expressed breastmilk and the health of the baby.
- Buying and Renting a Breast Pump – This Web page from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers advice on whether to buy or rent a pump, whether buying a used pump is a healthy option, and finding programs that can help you pay for a pump.
- How Do I Choose a Breast Pump? – This Web page from the La Leche League presents helpful information on what to look for when buying a pump.
- What Are the LLLI Guidelines for Storing My Pumped Milk? – This article from the La Leche League details specific instructions for breastmilk storage as well as the visual characteristics and odor of human breastmilk.