CREW Welcomes its New Leadership!


For Immediate Release

July 13, 2016

CREW is pleased to announce the election of its new leaders who will be directing the organization for the term of 2016-2018.

On a meeting held on June 27, 2016, CREW Board of Directors unanimously elected Ms. Hiwote Mekonnen as the new president. Ms. Hiwote Mekonnen has been a member of CREW since 2014 and had served as the secretary of the organization since 2015. Ms. Hiwote Mekonnen brings a wealth of experience to CREW in the areas of labour migration and human trafficking of Ethiopian women.
Other elected new officers by CREW’s Board of Directors include Ms. Roman Abate as Vice President and Ms. Tizita Belachew as Secretary. Ms. Roman has been a member of Ethiopian Women for Peace and Development (EWPD) since 1991 and continued her membership with CREW after EWPD merged with CREW. She has served in EWPD as Treasurer and Secretary of the organization. In the same line, Ms. Tizita is one of the prominent and founding members of EWPD and CREW, and has been contributing to the successes of the organization in different capacities. CREW has also elected Ms. Fantu Bekele as its Treasurer. Ms. Fantu, one of the founders of CREW has been serving the organization tirelessly since its inception.

It is the Board’s belief that the new officers will continue the legacy of CREW’s legendary late president, Dr. Maigenet Shifferaw in advancing the rights of Ethiopian women worldwide.

Finally, we would like to congratulate our new officers. CREW is very fortunate to have talented and dedicated women who will continue to advance its mission and ensure the organization’s sustainability.