Learn more about common breastfeeding challenges

  • Colic and Crying – This fact sheet describes the causes, symptoms, and treatments of colic and ways to prevent it. Tips are also included on how to comfort a crying or colicky baby.
  • FAQ: How Do I Prevent Sore Nipples? – This Web page from the La Leche League includes information on what you can do to help heal or prevent sore nipples after breastfeeding. The site gives easy-to-follow steps on how to properly position your baby at the breast.
  • How Can I Deal with My Leaking Breasts – This Web page from the La Leche League shares ways to deal with leaking breasts, including nursing pads, patterned clothing, and frequent breastfeeding.
  • If Breastfeeding Is So Natural, Why Doesn\’t It Seem to Come Naturally? – This Web page from the La Leche League encourages mothers not to give up on breastfeeding when they face challenges.
  • Is Thrush Causing My Sore Nipples? – This Web page from the La Leche League defines thrush and discusses what causes it and how to relieve it.
  • My Breast Hurts. What Can I Do? – This fact sheet from the La Leche League discusses the causes and treatments for sore breasts.
  • Overcoming Breastfeeding Problems – This Web page from Medline Plus has information on common breastfeeding problems, including nipple soreness, engorgement, let-down reflex problems, inadequate milk supply, plugged milk ducts, breast infection, and thrush.