Common breastfeeding challenges

Breastfeeding can be hard at times, especially in the early days. But remember that you are not alone. Lactation consultants can help you find ways to make breastfeeding work for you and your baby. And while many women are faced with one or more of the challenges listed here, many women do not struggle at all. Also, many women may have certain problems with one baby that they don\’t have with their second or third baby.

\"Video:Watch the video Overcoming breastfeeding challenges, and then read on for ways to fix problems.



\"Video:It may take a little time for you to catch on to breastfeeding your new baby. Don\’t be discouraged. Many new moms go through an adjustment period as they learn to breastfeed and learn to know their baby\’s needs.

If you\’re having trouble breastfeeding and could use a little encouragement, watch the Reassure new moms video.

Here are some common breastfeeding challenges and ways to handle them.


You can get more information on Breastfeeding and related subjects on Women’s

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