What We Do

CREW is a women’s human rights advocacy organization. CREW promotes human rights and the rule of law.We advocate against abuses of rights perpetrated from any position of power against individuals or groups.

We believe in the sacredness of human lives and condemn its violations for reasons of group or other interests. We believe that, irrespective of creed or gender, human beings are equitably entitled to the safety and security of their persons. We believe that those who use their economic, social, political, religious, military or other power against the weak are abusing their relative strong position.

We consider taking advantage of vulnerable people as abuse by those in higher position. We consider placing obstacles against those who work for the benefit of the poor and vulnerable as gross violation of rights. We stand for the rights of those working in isolated environments such as domestic employment. We stand for the rights of those who are migrants and others who find themselves away from their protective social environment.

In this regard we do the following:

  • Advocate for the economic, social, political and legal rights of Ethiopian women worldwide;
  • Advocate against human rights violations of Ethiopians regardless of their gender, ethnicity, political, or religious affiliations.
  • Organize workshops and conferences to raise public awareness on women/gender issues in order to bring change in policy and practice;
  • Promote a democratic culture and tolerance, work on conflict preventions and resolutions;
  • Initiate and conduct research about Ethiopian women;
  • Network and collaborate with government and non government organizations to advance the rights of Ethiopian women.