The Dallas Declaration

የማህበረሰባዊ ድርጅቶች ጉባኤ መግለጫ መስከረም 29,2010 (October 8,2017) Unity is our Destiny   “አገሬ ተባብራ ካልረገጠች እርካብ ነገራችን ሁሉ የእምቧይ ካብ፤ የእምቧይ ካብ” ቀኝ ጌታ ዮፍታሄ ንጉሤ”   ባልፉት 26 ዓመታትና በተለይም ባለፉት ወራቶች የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የሚደርስበትን ግድያ፤ እስር፤ መፈናቀል፤ ስደትና ረሃብ ያሳሰባቸው ተቆርቋሪ የሆኑ የኢትዮጵያ ማህበረሰባዊ...

State of Emergency

  CREW finds the October 8 declaration of the State of Emergency issued by the Ethiopian Government extremely worrisome. Restrictions on various human rights: including banning social media, broadcast media, peaceful protest and even gestures and others are imposed on...

Civil Society Leadership Awards

*** Contact CSLA with any questions, CREW is not a sponsor for the Grant***   The Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA) provide fully funded master’s degree study to individuals who clearly demonstrate academic and professional excellence and a deep commitment...